My journey with adwords.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Another Sale

On November 9 my overture campaign had run for its last 100 clicks. I was going to stop the campaign, but I ended up making a sale that day. This campaign's averaging about a 1% conversion rate. I'm paying .12 for the keywords and the commission is $13.35. Not going to make any money with a 1% conversion rate so I'm going to lower the bids on the general keywords and increase them on the more relevant ones and see what happens. Since I did make a sale, I will continue to run the campaign on overture for another 100 clicks.

Here's the stats for November 8-10

33 clicks
No Sales

75 clicks
1 sale

Tip of the day: I've read several google adwords blogs, not to mention adwords ebooks, and the one blog that has continued to stand out the most is Barry Stein's. He started marketing clickbank products with google adwords back in November 2003. He kept a blog from December 13, 2003 until March 22, 2004. He's had alot of success marketing clickbank products. His blog is inspirational and contains alot of advice. Check it out for yourself by visiting


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