My journey with adwords.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Review of The Adwords Miracle

After being tempted by the sales letter for a week now, I finally caved in and bought the product. The product contains three e-books and three videos. Three things that make this product great are: the author goes into detail about how to select the right products to promote. Get this wrong, and you will never be able to have a profitable campaign. He even gives away five niches that he advertisers in. Second, detailed instructions are provided on how to write killer ads that will improve click through rate. Third, if you don’t understand some points, the videos help clarify things. I have not put his techniques to the test yet so I can’t vouch for them. But the information was very good and much different than what I’ve heard before. And if you read elsewhere in my blog you know I have purchased most of the pay per click products currently on the market.

Without testing the product, out of 10 points, I give this product 8.

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